

Selected artworks

2015 Commission work, “Människor på gatan”, Platensgatan Linköping

Artwork at Platensgatan in Linköping.

2014 Live, Vinterljus inauguration, Linköping

Live painting.

2014 Installation, storefront at Dahlian, Linköping

Installation at Dahlian.

2012 Mural painting, “Humanistdygnet”, Östergötlands Museum, Linköping

Mural painting, interpretation on humanism.

2012 Mural painting, Hotell Ekoxen, Linköping

Mural painting.


Exhibition as museum technician:

2014 > Under samma tak > hanging, tech

2014 > IT Ceum > fabrication, installation, hanging, tech, lighting

2014 > Hjärta spel > touring exhibition, installation, tech

2018 > Samtida konstverk från museets samling > production, hanging, lighting

2018 > Peter Freudenthal > hanging, lighting

2018 > Models of selected artworks for the museum park > installation, hanging, lighting

2018 > Sofia Ek, Telephoné > fabrication, tech, installation, hanging

2018 > Peter Johansson > fabrication, installation, lighting

2018 > TV-spelshistoria, Mjärdevi > production, fabrication, installation

2018 > Katja Aglert, video installation > tech, installation

2018 > Samtida östgötska konstnärer > composition, hanging, lighting

2018 > Rejmyre, Broderier > touring exhibition, installation, lighting

2018 > Linköpings bibliotek, Broderier > touring exhibition, installation, lighting

2018-19 > Östgötaliv, Konstutställningen, Datamuseet och Folkkonst > tear down of old permanent and temporary exhibitions before renovation

2022 > Verkligheter, permanent utställning > production, fabrication, hanging, lighting and tech lead

2022 > Stadshuset, Johan Krouthén > hanging

2022 > Medicinhistorisk utställning > production, graphic design, project leading, tech

2022 > Mopeden, en svensk designhistoria > touring exhibition, installation

2022 > Fira demokratin > touring exhibition, installation

2022 > Fashion Exposed > touring exhibition, fabrication, hanging, lighting

2022 > Detox > fabrication, tech, installation, lighting

2023 > Stafetten 2.0, Malin Granroth & Jonathan Rosén > fabrication, tech, installation, print, lighting

2023 > Dekadansbanan >  construction, fabrication, tech, installation, lighting

2023 > Löfstad sommarutställning > fabrication, installation

2023 > Vadstena klostermuseum, (various projects as Tyra Kleen, video exhibition…) > installation, lighting

2023 > Länsförsäkringar dinner, digital pop up exhibition > tech, lighting design

2023 > Aquanauts > installation, tech, lighting

2023 > Uppdrag konst > installation, hanging, lighting

2023 > Systrarna Aurora och Amalia, Königsmarckska tapeterna > installation, hanging, lighting

2023 > Carry me > production, fabrication, installation, hanging, lighting

2023 > Susan Szatmáry, en designresa > installation, hanging, lighting


Various related tasks as museum technician:

2018-19 > Riv av gamla bas och tillfälliga utställningar > tear down of various old exhibitions

2018-22 > Flytt och logistik av konst och föremål under renovering av museet > transport and logistics of artworks during renovation

2022 > Wallenbergsalen > tech planing, installation, lighting and live audio engineering

Grants, awards and press

2016-2018 Scholarship, Öhrskogsstiftelsen
  • 2016 for good results and commitment during education
  • 2017 for developing the furniture Meraki
  • 2018 for developing the furniture Oidipus
  • 2018 for commitment, good results and involvement during education
2013 Marta, Wivi & Åke Liljesonska Stiftelse, Motala

For the commitment and further development as an artist.